eNorth East Award


The eNorth East Award Summit platform was launched in 2010. The objective is to create an ecosystem of best information communication technology (ICT) for development practices in North East India including Sikkim. The Award platform recognizes best practices in as many as 12 categories including governance, service delivery, education, health, social enterprise, commerce and business. The first eNorth East Award Summit was held in 2010 in Guwahati (Focus State: Assam). The second eNorth East Award Summit was held in 2011 in Kohima (Focus State: Nagaland). The third edition was held in November 2012 in Gangtok (Focus State: Sikkim). So far more than 50 best practices and practitioners have been recognized and felicitated. The platform is serving to connect best practices to national and global award platforms. For details please visit http://enortheast.in

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